Hailing from small-town Consett, England, Beverly (Bev) Priestman grew up with a soccer ball at her feet. Bev adopted the hardworking reputation of her hometown, bringing that blue collar mentality to every team she has coached in her young career. The humble soccer ball would take her on to the world’s biggest stage, leading the Canadian Women’s National Team to Gold at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics as the youngest coach at the tournament, just nine months after taking control of the program.
Over the span of 15 years, soccer has brought Priestman to three continents, most recently returning to Canada from England where she helped England Lionesses achieve a 4th place finish at the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 as Assistant Head Coach. Previous to that Priestman was instrumental in the development and alignment of the Canadian Women’s National Team Program as well as a five year spell in New Zealand helping transform Football in that country.
Off the pitch, Bev enjoys spending time with her partner Emma Humphries, a former New Zealand international footballer, and their son Jack.